I was inspired by a Thought Catalog post by January Nelson who came up with a list of 25 things that people should do before they turn 25 years old. I am currently 23 and will be turning 24 in August. The only issue is that this list doesn't really apply to me. I don't have any problems with my parents, I don't hate myself, I fully recognize the value of my Bachelor's Degree (most jobs won't look twice if you don't have this minimum requirement), I am in a relationship, and I am only okay with brunch (pancakes and waffles are awesome for only so long).
So I have decided to come up with my own list. I am including a mix of things that I have done before and those that I aspire to do. Hopefully this will inspire people to come up with their own lists. I also hate it when lists are too vague so I gave a vague-ish title and then explain what I mean. Feel free to interpret at will. Also, no worries if you are older than 25, follow it anyway! 25 things to do before you are 80, why not?
1. Go bungee jumping, skydiving, jump off a cliff or a high dive.
I haven't had the opportunity/the funds to go bungee jumping or skydiving so I have made due with cliff diving. I hate that falling feeling and I never go on those rides that lift you up only to drop you. I did it once as a promise to a friend but that was a once in a life experience. Cliff diving can be terrifying but the amazing feeling of accomplishment you get just from landing in water makes the fear worthwhile. The first time I ever jumped off a cliff I was 17 years old and it was in Sagada in the Philippines. I was on a community service field trip and my group ended up finishing our assignment of building a road in a day (I had most of the rugby guys to do all the cement mixing). As a treat we went to a waterfall and took turns jumping off!
2. Explore a cave.
Get a group of friends or family and go with guides. I explored the most amazing cave in Sagada which was really intense and required shimmying up and down tunnels to end up at an underground freezing cold pond. I will never forget that experience partly because I fell and broke half of one of my front teeth in that cave.
3. Travel. Open yourself up to the unknown, the strange, and try to go to at least one place that makes you uncomfortable. Definitely go to a place where you don't speak the language.
This is where I disagree the most with the link I provided above. Places can't make you change but the experiences you have in those places will. Whether it pushes you out from your comfort zones or introduces you to new ideas, exploring a new culture will have an impact. It may be short lived but those memories will stick with you.
4. Stay up all night talking with friends.
This may or may not include drinks. Feel a connection with your old friends or with a group that you just met.
5. Get lost in a city.
Go to a new place and get lost. Try to find a cool part of the city that you definitely want to explore and put away the map. Bring someone along if you don't want to do this alone. Since I don't like getting lost alone, I brought along the Boy and his family and we went to town in Venice. His father was not the fondest of the without-a-map rule, but we worked around him... The Boy and I and his brother likewise crossed this off the list in Florence. That felt a little like cheating though because all you need to do is look up and you will find a historical landmark that looks familiar.
6. Learn a new language, even just a few words.
Languages are so important to understanding other cultures. If you travel and spend a few minutes here and there trying to learn "thank you" or "hello", it will go a long way to endearing you to the locals. Learning a new language will challenge you and force you to use your brain.
7. Climb a mountain.
Train, use your body, and get to the top of a mountain!
Play a game against a superior opponent. Then practice and practice until you can beat them at least once. I am currently doing this with Scramble with Friends.
9. Listen to new music.
Go out of your way to try to find genres that you ordinarily wouldn't look twice at. You might be surprised. Or take something you have already prejudged and give it a real shot. I will do this with Justin Bieber even though it hurts my soul...
10. Feel like you made a difference.
I know that this is vague but do something that makes a difference in another person's life. Make sure that you are remembered for an act of kindness, even if you decide to be anonymous.
11. Come up with a work out regime that you will actually do.
Physical exercise is so incredibly important and impacts your overall health, including mental. Try to come up with something that works for you whether you can only manage a run once a week or a swim every couple of days. Find something that you can do in your office that won't attract too much attention.
12. Eat healthier.
Try to do the same as working out and figure out a diet where you can cut at least one unhealthy thing out of your life, or at least minimize it.
13. Thank your friends and family with a card or something nice.
Show your appreciation for the people who love you most. It can be a big gesture or a small one.
14. Watch the sun set from a beautiful place.
Go up in a hot air balloon or find a meadow or a place that you think is peaceful and watch a sunset.
15. Feel confident about your choices.
*knock on wood* People are living longer lives and there is so much more time to get to where you imagine yourself one day being. Don't feel old when you are so very, very young. I was constantly afraid in college that I wasn't doing enough or that I wasn't on the right track. It made me feel insecure and unsure of myself and I still feel that way now. But, as I have to keep reminding myself, I can't predict the future, and even if something goes wrong, I will be able to set it right eventually. Or maybe things need to go wrong to get me onto a different, better track than I thought I wanted.
16. Doubt.
Doubt at least one thing that you feel confident about. If you really are sure, then a little doubt won't change anything. If you doubt and the doubt starts to grow, then maybe you were mistaken.
17. Get in touch with someone you lost contact with.
I don't mean just Facebook friend them. Have an actual conversation with someone who you haven't talked to in a while but miss.
18. Forgive someone.
Good for you if you are never mad at anyone or you have never uttered the words, "that person is dead to me"; this one doesn't apply to you. If you have some unresolved anger, be the bigger person and forgive. This doesn't mean that you have to be best buds with whoever upset you, but maybe it will help trying to let go. This won't be a one day thing, it will likely take awhile. Also don't forgive if it will make you end up hating yourself.
19. Make a new friend.
Meet someone outside of your friend zone!
20. Do a new group activity.
I am starting to realize that without a workplace or a university setting, it is a lot harder to meet people. A way around this is to participate in a group activity. I love Pilates and one of my favorite activities at UVA was the Pilates class at the AFC (gym). My goal for this coming year is to join another group activity that I will love.
21. Face a fear/do something that makes you a little afraid/nervous.
This can be a two-for-one goal! If any of the other things I listed seem remotely scary, do that and you will have #21 beat too.
22. Spend a week or two or more reading news articles from a different news source than you usually do.
The U.S. is extremely polarized right now and I think it would be helpful for everyone to actually take the time to hear the other side instead of blanking it out. The best way is to go to an alternate news source and see if you can find any parallels in how information is presented with the news source that you usually read/watch.
23. Have a civil conversation with someone you disagree with.
This can be a disagreement about anything. Movies, climate change, politics, religion, video games, you name it. Set some ground rules, ask lots of questions (NOT in an antagonistic manner), LISTEN, and try to be as articulate as you can. DO NOT resort to name calling.
24. Try not to get overwhelmed and if you do, find something that makes the mountain of stress go down.
One of my best buds suggested this one (she actually wanted me to say "don't kill yourself") but definitely find a way of dealing with stress.
25. Set your own goal and actually accomplish it.
This is my list and while it will apply to some people, it won't apply to everyone. I feel bogged down the most when I see myself as stagnant and I hate feeling trapped in the same old cycle. What makes me happy is a feeling of accomplishment and ticking off goals. If none of the activities I wrote on my list appeal to you, come up with at least one that you will do.
So I have decided to come up with my own list. I am including a mix of things that I have done before and those that I aspire to do. Hopefully this will inspire people to come up with their own lists. I also hate it when lists are too vague so I gave a vague-ish title and then explain what I mean. Feel free to interpret at will. Also, no worries if you are older than 25, follow it anyway! 25 things to do before you are 80, why not?
1. Go bungee jumping, skydiving, jump off a cliff or a high dive.
I haven't had the opportunity/the funds to go bungee jumping or skydiving so I have made due with cliff diving. I hate that falling feeling and I never go on those rides that lift you up only to drop you. I did it once as a promise to a friend but that was a once in a life experience. Cliff diving can be terrifying but the amazing feeling of accomplishment you get just from landing in water makes the fear worthwhile. The first time I ever jumped off a cliff I was 17 years old and it was in Sagada in the Philippines. I was on a community service field trip and my group ended up finishing our assignment of building a road in a day (I had most of the rugby guys to do all the cement mixing). As a treat we went to a waterfall and took turns jumping off!
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This was a lot of fun partly because my friend shouting directions at me told me to, "jump really far out and aim in between the three jagged rocks at the bottom." |
Get a group of friends or family and go with guides. I explored the most amazing cave in Sagada which was really intense and required shimmying up and down tunnels to end up at an underground freezing cold pond. I will never forget that experience partly because I fell and broke half of one of my front teeth in that cave.
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Photo credit: http://sagadaphilippines.com/2009/07/sagada-caves-inside-the-sumaguing-cave-part-2/ |
This is where I disagree the most with the link I provided above. Places can't make you change but the experiences you have in those places will. Whether it pushes you out from your comfort zones or introduces you to new ideas, exploring a new culture will have an impact. It may be short lived but those memories will stick with you.
4. Stay up all night talking with friends.
This may or may not include drinks. Feel a connection with your old friends or with a group that you just met.
5. Get lost in a city.
Go to a new place and get lost. Try to find a cool part of the city that you definitely want to explore and put away the map. Bring someone along if you don't want to do this alone. Since I don't like getting lost alone, I brought along the Boy and his family and we went to town in Venice. His father was not the fondest of the without-a-map rule, but we worked around him... The Boy and I and his brother likewise crossed this off the list in Florence. That felt a little like cheating though because all you need to do is look up and you will find a historical landmark that looks familiar.
6. Learn a new language, even just a few words.
Languages are so important to understanding other cultures. If you travel and spend a few minutes here and there trying to learn "thank you" or "hello", it will go a long way to endearing you to the locals. Learning a new language will challenge you and force you to use your brain.
7. Climb a mountain.
Train, use your body, and get to the top of a mountain!
Play a game against a superior opponent. Then practice and practice until you can beat them at least once. I am currently doing this with Scramble with Friends.
9. Listen to new music.
Go out of your way to try to find genres that you ordinarily wouldn't look twice at. You might be surprised. Or take something you have already prejudged and give it a real shot. I will do this with Justin Bieber even though it hurts my soul...
10. Feel like you made a difference.
I know that this is vague but do something that makes a difference in another person's life. Make sure that you are remembered for an act of kindness, even if you decide to be anonymous.
11. Come up with a work out regime that you will actually do.
Physical exercise is so incredibly important and impacts your overall health, including mental. Try to come up with something that works for you whether you can only manage a run once a week or a swim every couple of days. Find something that you can do in your office that won't attract too much attention.
12. Eat healthier.
Try to do the same as working out and figure out a diet where you can cut at least one unhealthy thing out of your life, or at least minimize it.
13. Thank your friends and family with a card or something nice.
Show your appreciation for the people who love you most. It can be a big gesture or a small one.
14. Watch the sun set from a beautiful place.
Go up in a hot air balloon or find a meadow or a place that you think is peaceful and watch a sunset.
15. Feel confident about your choices.
*knock on wood* People are living longer lives and there is so much more time to get to where you imagine yourself one day being. Don't feel old when you are so very, very young. I was constantly afraid in college that I wasn't doing enough or that I wasn't on the right track. It made me feel insecure and unsure of myself and I still feel that way now. But, as I have to keep reminding myself, I can't predict the future, and even if something goes wrong, I will be able to set it right eventually. Or maybe things need to go wrong to get me onto a different, better track than I thought I wanted.
16. Doubt.
Doubt at least one thing that you feel confident about. If you really are sure, then a little doubt won't change anything. If you doubt and the doubt starts to grow, then maybe you were mistaken.
17. Get in touch with someone you lost contact with.
I don't mean just Facebook friend them. Have an actual conversation with someone who you haven't talked to in a while but miss.
18. Forgive someone.
Good for you if you are never mad at anyone or you have never uttered the words, "that person is dead to me"; this one doesn't apply to you. If you have some unresolved anger, be the bigger person and forgive. This doesn't mean that you have to be best buds with whoever upset you, but maybe it will help trying to let go. This won't be a one day thing, it will likely take awhile. Also don't forgive if it will make you end up hating yourself.
19. Make a new friend.
Meet someone outside of your friend zone!
20. Do a new group activity.
I am starting to realize that without a workplace or a university setting, it is a lot harder to meet people. A way around this is to participate in a group activity. I love Pilates and one of my favorite activities at UVA was the Pilates class at the AFC (gym). My goal for this coming year is to join another group activity that I will love.
21. Face a fear/do something that makes you a little afraid/nervous.
This can be a two-for-one goal! If any of the other things I listed seem remotely scary, do that and you will have #21 beat too.
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I was with a group of drunk people (mostly strangers) setting off fireworks on a rooftop in India. It was terrifying. |
The U.S. is extremely polarized right now and I think it would be helpful for everyone to actually take the time to hear the other side instead of blanking it out. The best way is to go to an alternate news source and see if you can find any parallels in how information is presented with the news source that you usually read/watch.
23. Have a civil conversation with someone you disagree with.
This can be a disagreement about anything. Movies, climate change, politics, religion, video games, you name it. Set some ground rules, ask lots of questions (NOT in an antagonistic manner), LISTEN, and try to be as articulate as you can. DO NOT resort to name calling.
24. Try not to get overwhelmed and if you do, find something that makes the mountain of stress go down.
One of my best buds suggested this one (she actually wanted me to say "don't kill yourself") but definitely find a way of dealing with stress.
25. Set your own goal and actually accomplish it.
This is my list and while it will apply to some people, it won't apply to everyone. I feel bogged down the most when I see myself as stagnant and I hate feeling trapped in the same old cycle. What makes me happy is a feeling of accomplishment and ticking off goals. If none of the activities I wrote on my list appeal to you, come up with at least one that you will do.
Totally an awesome list.
ReplyDeleteWhy thank ya! Anything you'd like to add or advise?
ReplyDeleteI've got a very short "before I die" bucket list here: http://www.mrbrowngoesaround.com/2012/04/bucket-list.html
ReplyDeleteHow many have you gotten through? I like your numbers 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13!
ReplyDeleteNone so far--everything was pending when I wrote the list. It is all waiting for me to finish my Ph.D. and the Ramayana film.
ReplyDeleteWhoo hooo I did all these by the time I was nine, go TCKs hehehe
ReplyDeleteBut seriously they should be done, they're all fun!!!!
Oh and yes, I went to an IB school so yes I was a very stressed eight year old at one point, school, exams, and theatre, fun but stressful
Haha, anything you would add to the list that you have not done? :)