Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Gallery, Pinterest, and Istanbul

I have made a few changes to my Unsettled TCK site including adding an entirely new gallery and joining pinterest. I recently found out that I have pretty much maxed out all my free photo storage for this blog. This left me with either spending about $30 to add extra space in google OR opening a completely new photoblog with another account and linking it on here. I chose the latter.

Welcome to Unsettled TCK's Gallery blog: 

I haven't decided whether or not to spend the $10 and give it a custom domain like but we'll see. I ended up spending money to buy the template since there are no decent free templates out there. I spent a lot of time looking and settled for looking sleek.

I figure I'll concentrate on written posts here and link to photos on the other site. So far I posted some snazzy pictures I took while in Istanbul, so if you are curious head on over and see the Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sophia, and a ceiling shot in Topkapi Palace: Unsettled TCK Gallery

Here is a screenshot of the gallery so that I have one picture in here:

What do you think of my new Unsettled TCK gallery?
I also took the plunge and joined pinterest. I was very curious about it and now I will never leave the internet! I haven't done very much but I'll get there.

Feel free to see what I've got so far:

Follow Me on Pinterest

Well those are my major updates, let me know what you think or if you have any other suggestions. I plan on adding one other website which will be hosted on someone else's domain, but we will see if I have the time...


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