Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coron, Philippines: Many Reasons To Go (and A Few To Not)

Limbo is so much worse than hell because at least in hell, there's something to do.  This characterizes my stay at the beautiful island of Coron, Philippines. It is a tropical paradise of azure and blinding whiteness. The cloudless blue sky stretches for miles and there are craggy, tar black stones erupting from water that is by turns periwinkle blue, lapis lazuli, and dark turquoise. It’s the airport that’s the problem. Dingy and dilapidated, with only a ramshackle lean to serving as the restaurant, the airport (Busuanga) is so small that there are no lights installed on the runway. This means that if you don't take off before the sunsets, then you won't be taking off that day. If you are unlucky enough to have your flight cancelled, which is not as rare as you’d hope, you are likely trapped for at least a day. I once had to spend an eternity in the airport, about three days, with only one book and “Slum Dog Millionaire” playing on repeat. As a creative means of torture, the sadistic staff always stopped the movie right before it reached the end. To this day, I have not seen the end of “Slum Dog Millionaire.”

I went to Coron in May 2009 with my dad since we are both avid divers and my mother is not. Coron is known for being littered with sunken Japanese World War II ships. While you have to be a certified diver for a few of these ships, there is at least one that you can snorkel. Coron is also known for Mangroves, giant lakes for swimming (Kayangan Lake is especially beautiful), and the Twin Lagoons, which becomes very important to my story.

Our adorable little plane
Banka to take us to our resort
View from the dining room
 Being stuck in the airport was actually the third strike of bad luck to mark my journey.  People always say that bad things come in threes, and in compensation for the overdose of beauty, I was subjected to a string of suffering. It all began on the first day. I had decided to go for a swim at the convenient beach located right outside the ant-ridden shack that served as my shelter. In and of itself, this mini-beach barely deserved the designation. Rocky, spread out about four feet by four feet, it wasn’t impressive. Little was I to know that this barrenness masked horrors that lurked beneath the seemingly docile waves. As I stepped into the cool, crystal clear water, I luxuriated in the silky and crisp feel of the sea. As I gingerly stepped further from the shore, avoiding all manner of sharp objects, I squished into something. It wasn’t until a roaring, burning, inferno of pain rushed through my foot that I realized I had stepped right onto a jelly fish. Needless to say, I had a foot that looked like a lobster body part version of Frankenstein’s Monster. I wasn't about to pee on myself (ammonia is supposed to stop the pain) and when I went to ask the hotel staff for help, they gave me sea salt to rub on. I can't tell if it helped since the pain was already subsiding by that point.
Can you see where its tentacles wrapped around me?
This might not have been the end of the world, had I not been scheduled for three deep water wreck dives. Now, from personal experience, there is only one thing that will make a person forget the incessant nagging irritation of a jellyfish sting, and that is to see the corrugated shell of a World War II battleship emerging from the depths to greet you. 

I actually wrote a description of my experience for a writing competition. I didn't win but here it is for those who want to read. Sunk in Coron

The first two dives are around 100 feet and the third was around 10-20 feet.You could choose to dive that last one or just snorkel! Watch out if you swim too far from this area since there are jellyfish close to the shore that is nearby. I put a picture of it as seen from the surface in my Sunk in Coron post but here it is again along with a few others:

Sorry about the quality. It is a picture of a picture.

While my foot had begun to shrink after a day of the jellyfish's poison slowly disappearing, the dives aggravated my foot and it swelled up again. But, it was a price I willingly paid! If you have never gone wreck diving, do it. It is by far and away one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.

Compare this to the photo above. Do you notice a difference?
Looking spiffy!
 That just about wrapped up the first day. The next we spent island hopping and doing the whole tour with a rented banka (boat). We went to a hot spring which is surrounded by mangrove trees. Then we did a little light snorkeling before heading to Kayangan Lake. To get to the path that leads to it, we had to cross a bridge of bankas since it is such a major tourist attraction. After walking up some stairs, there is a cave at the top and a little plateau that allows for the most beautiful views of the lagoon. The lake itself is extremely sizable and also worth snorkeling for the rock formations on the bottom.

Heading to the path of bankas
We walked through like five or six
View from the plateau. The cave is right behind
The cave! It doesn't go very far...
The lake
More views from the top
 From here we went to the Twin Lagoons. Here is where the second misfortune I suffered occurred. The Twin Lagoons is exactly what it is called. Literally two beautiful lagoons with crystal clear water separated by a tar-black craggy mini-mountain. However, there is an underwater path through the mini-mountain which connects these two areas. You only really have to hold your breath for about 10 seconds before you are through to the other side. What you should be VERY careful about is how furiously you are kicking and how far you are from the top of the tunnel. I was not given this warning and I ended up slicing off a corner of my heel when it connected with the surprisingly sharp tunnel surface. Luckily it wasn't terrible but it still hurt a lot. I was able to bandage it up in the boat and the salt water cleaned the wound. I am very glad there are no sharks around that area...

Heading to the Twin Lagoons!
That is where the underwater tunnel is
Finally we ended up at Banol beach. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Sunset the next night!
During our time in Coron, my father and I also went night diving. We brought flashlights along and even turned them off at one point to see the phosphorescent plankton in the water. Just wave your hands and watch the fireworks right in front of your face. If you haven't been night diving, do it. It is just like wreck-diving in that it is a very unique experience that you will never forget.

Thus concludes the end of my trip to Coron. Again, before we were able to leave, we were trapped in the airport. While we were given a free place to stay, I woke up with bedbug bites. And, as amazing as the rest of the island(s) is/are, the airport leaves a lot to be desired. In spite of the negative experiences I had, I definitely recommend going. It will spoil you for other beaches.


  1. Hey there.. Nice blog u got there.. Luv ur pics... Care to exchange links? I'll link you from my site :)


  2. You look like you had a great time (except for the jelly-fish incident). I hope your foot is feeling better now.

  3. Thanks Dan! I'd be happy to exchange links =) I'm adding you to my blog links on the sidebar.

  4. Christopher, I had a great time, in spite of my misfortunes! There isn't any trace of the attack, thankfully. I highly recommend you go!

  5. Great.. I just added the links too.. check it out whether it's ok with the link.. if you want me to change the link name just let me know :)

  6. Wow, now I see why you left the comment you did. My foot is still scarred from my sting back in April. That is sort of okay because it matches a scar I have on the other foot from wrecking a motorcycle in Sumatra about ten years ago. Now is just looks like I have some congenital foot deformity. Haha. Glad to hear that yours did not scar!

  7. Yeah, your sting certainly did not look pleasant from what I saw! Very positive thinking on your part =) I don't actually mind scars, I was always told that they show me that I am living life. I was VERY relieved that my foot was neither permanently swollen nor permanently stretched out.
